Affichage des articles dont le libellé est PRECIOUS LUNGA. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est PRECIOUS LUNGA. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 14 novembre 2012

Precious Lunga

qui ça ?...elle est née au Zimbabwe, et s'est mariée en 2010 avec Jon Snow, journaliste télé vedette, à la retraite, ça nous change de Nicole Coste...
et alors ?
elle est  épidémiologiste, spécialisé dans le sida...voilà...voilà a un diplôme en neuroscience...
elle est noire et pas une beauté de magazine, donc imaginez les commentaires dans la campagne anglaise

What's that experience like?
You don't get that many African women travelling around on their own, staying in hotels, and so people often come up to me and ask me what I'm doing. I went through Johannesburg [airport] so often that I got to know some of the people there....
 What was life like in Zimbabwe?
I grew up there until I was 17, then I came to the UK to do my studies and I stayed. I went to a convent school; most girls didn't do science. When I was at school, I loved history and all these other subjects. I remember one of the nuns saying to me, "You're good at science, so you must do science." And my parents always encouraged me.
                                                et oui c'est ça la negritude, sans photoshop